Submission Guidelines
Currently, we are in the production stages of this Zine. Once everything is finalized, everyone who participated will get a printable PDF document so you can assemble your own zine PLUS a digital version to send around as you please! If you would like to make a video, podcast, or even your own website we will incorporate it into the printed/pdf copy using QR codes.
Here is how you submit:
We will not tolerate any hate speech being submitted for this zine.
Must be 25 years old or younger.
Send your piece in an email to environment.a2zine@gmail.com. If you need help figuring out how to send your piece in an email, just reach out and we'll troubleshoot with you!
In your email, please include which chapter you are submitting your piece for and the name you want to appear in the zine (if you want to be anonymous, that's cool too!)
If the climate crisis is not the first thing on your mind and/or you have controversial opinions around it, we still want to hear from you!
What you submit for Environment From A - Z(ine) will be published exactly how you submit. We will decide in which order all the pieces appear in the zine.
We're so excited to hear from you!